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Writer's pictureJada

2020 Vision: My Aspiration in Life is to Be Happy

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

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First things first, I'm obssessed with vision boards! I like the aspect of reflecting on my life and truly thinking about what I want to get out of it. Vision boards are a great way for me to remember what I'm living for and figuring out my purpose.This years vision board sets the tone for Jada Unpublished and the life I am committed to live. Later you will find out how much I went through that got me to 2020 Vision and why every piece of this board matters to me. But now lets get into what it all means:

My aspiration in life is to be happy - I spent the end of 2017, 2018, and 2019 very unhappy and depressed. So I decided 2020 has to be my year of change. I have to do it for me and only me. Even though I have already experienced some pretty rough stuff starting off 2020 (we'll get to that later) I refuse to ever hurt like I did before and I will do everything in my power to fulfill this aspiration. So it is time for me to let go of the past and don’t look back.

Your glow up, I want to glow from the inside out - I affirm positivity and joy for my life. I’m going into the next phase of my life ready to transform and be better!

Natural hair - I will continue to nurture and embrace my curls. I will be patient while growing out my hair. 

Watch you mouth - I put my foot in my mouth tons of times and ruined many opportunities and relationships because of it. Hopefully, never again.

I’m very protective of my heart, Make love last - These are my relationship goals. I am choosing to be celibate until Mr.Right comes along. I will be very intentional about the men I let in my space. I want to try to be in a relationship, so I am no longer entertaining any and every guy who calls me beautiful anymore.

$millions - I will set financial goals and become financially stable.

Body, Health and Flat tummy - I have to do better so I can feel better. Health will make me happier. If I can get a flat tummy out of this that’ll be nice too.

The world according to Jada, Include yourself - I believe in myself again and I will stop worrying about what others think.

Embrace your journey, Well read black girl, It’s glam to dream - I am taking the steps to get back into school. I am positive about my new plans in life and accepting that I needed to fail in order to get where I want to be.

Michelle Obama clapping - I am cheering myself on and pushing myself throughout this journey. I also just love Michelle Obama and want to be her!

Huey P Newton, I’m gonna make whatever I do black you’ll know that I’m a black girl - I will make sure I continue to believe and fight for black liberation, always love the skin I'm in and represent my blackness in everything I do.

This vision board was made on December 17, 2019. So far I have accomplished eliminating my credit card debt, reenrolling in school, and being blackity, black, black.

Now lets see how I will handle the rest...

Mood: Gracefully Broken - Tasha Cobbs

Next Read: Journey to J.D. Part 1: Heartbreak, Cyberbullies, Money, and Mental Health

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